Happy 24th Anniversary of Numerology.Name since 4/3/2001
What also happened on April 3rd in history?
---- George Washington received an honorary degree from Harvard ---- The United States Coast Guard & Pony Express were both created 4/3-
---- The first Apple I-Pad and the first PC computer 'Osborne 1' were both created ---- The TV Guide and the very first cell phone call was made ---- ALL ON THIS DATE 4/3 !
A Special Date For Communications And Numerology ---- 4/3 ----
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Note- all numerology in this website is for information only. All info Copyright 2001 by Charles Words, not to be copied or pasted.
Questions About The Kabbalah-
What Is The Kabbalah Today?
There are different versions of Kabbalah today- Basic (biblical theory or ancient Gematria), Advanced (spiritual meditation), and Mystical (the practice of mysticism, which we do not approach), just as there are different versions of Art, Music, Science, and other things.
This website focuses on KabbalahNumerology, which is NOT a separate religion. In the definition of how to use Gematria and KabbalahNumerology, it is NOT about magic or fortune-telling, although there are some sources for that in this world, such as astrology, tarot cards, Runes and psychic readings, as well as mystical Kabbalah.
Was The Universe Created In 6 Days, Or Did It Take 13.7 Billion Years?
The answer is both, because this author believes a 'day' was used to establish both the 7-day week on earth and to recognize 7 different phases of creation, with a different time span. But after man and woman were created, today's calendar was given 24-hour days, the months and the years, based on the sun & the moon. Here's an edited article from Aish.com: (copyright, not to be copied or pasted)
"Did Creation take place in 6 days or were they longer?
Daniel Friedmann is the CEO of a company that made the robotic arm for the Space Shuttle.
Friedmann studied the Chumash & the scientific timeline. Friedmann concluded that if the Chumash is a real blueprint of the universe, then key facts discussed in Torah and scientific method must coincide.
700 years ago Rabbi Isaac of Akko made the assertion that real time -- while Hashem was creating -- was different than today. Friedmann, based on this, aligns the dates of the Kabbalah with those from scientific observation.
How (does it work)?
One Creation ''Day'' =
''1,000'' x 365.25 x 7,000 cosmic cycles =
2.56 billion years, x 6 ''days'' =
13.7 billion years total.
''1,000'' comes directly from Psalm 90:4: "For a thousand years in Your sight are as a day" -- where we learn that one day for Hashem equals ''1,000'' human years.
Rabbi Isaac of Akko made the calculation of earth's age based on this Psalm.
365.25 is a conversion from days to years.
7,000 relates to cosmic cycles.... All of this would also explain the fossils of the dinosaurs."
Scientists agree that each phase of the 6 days of creation (universe, space, earth, stars, plants and animals) took 2.56 billion years times 6. So each 'day' in the Torah and the Kabbalah refers to a gigantic era in the total creation of the world. Amazing!
By the way, the date 25 of Elul is the annual birthday of the creation of the world, 6 days before every Rosh Hoshana, to remember the 6 'days' of the world's creation. (Notice the 25 and the 6 here, and 25 + 6 = 31, a number for the English words "Build" and "Construction". Wow!
The Kabbalah of Chakras, 1 to 9
If you add up the letters in each chakra, you see the same vibration as the meaning behind each of the 9 chakras.
'1st-Chakra' =1= man, beginnings, instincts, spirit
'2nd-Chakra' =8= sexual-power, loving-emotion
'3rd-Chakra' =4=thinker, mind, freedoms
'4th-Chakra' =11=special, open-arms, balance
'5th-Chakra' =3= self-confident, speaker, listener
'6th-Chakra' =22= third-eye, imagination
'7th-Chakra' = 5 = strength, power, fate, spiritual-teacher, research
'8th-Chakra' =6= natural, active-love, people
'9th-Chakra' =7=serious, caring, loving, curious
What does the '69' mean in Kabbalah?
Today's world thinks 69 is a position in bed, but this number has a special meaning in Numerology-Kabbalah. What double-number looks like the lower world and the upper world (2 circles) next to each other? 69. 69 means the active, cheerful teacher in numerology. ''Mashiach-ben-David'' also adds up to the number 69.
In Kabbalah.info, among 243 entries of the Ba'al HaSulam's commentary on the Zohar, 69 is special. It refers to a Kabbalah theme, ''correction of the world, then complete redemption, with the coming of the Mashiach... 'but thine eyes shall see thy teacher' & 'the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge' '' So 69 has a spiritual meaning, not just a physical 69.
We feature the KabbalahNumerology instead of any psychics on this website, because to us it is more accurate and the right thing to do. This is one step forward from using the Western alphabet, because aleph-beit symbols have special meanings when used in name analysis and meditation. Meditate on each of the 22 aleph-beit letters for 5 minutes a day. You'll be amazed at the results.
Here is a best kept secret of Kabbalah and Numerology. One idea has been presented, that the first 6 millennia represent life on earth since the creation of Adam and Eve, and the 7th-9th millennia may represent religious and spiritual preparation for the life to come. Another idea is that there is one Torah verse for every year of life on earth, or 6,000, give or take a few verses. So we may see something special happen in 6000, which is now about 220 years away.
Happy Birthday to Kabbalah!
What Is Lag BaOmer?
According to the Talmud and Midrash, this day marks the death of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a sage in the 2nd century, and the day on which he revealed the deepest secrets of Kabbalah in the form of the Zohar, a major text of gematria and Hebrew numerology.
In modern Israel, Lag BaOmer is a national holiday. It is celebrated in the Chabad communities in the United States. Lag BaOmer is Hebrew for "33rd [day] in the Omer".
33 is a special double-number in gematria. (the Hebrew letter ל or "L" is equivalent to "30" and ג or "G" is equivalent to "3") The numbers in the date 5/7 add up to 12, which is known as the happy, friendly speaker, a good date for gematria and the Kabbalah!
LagBaOmer adds up to 11, the same as Gematria and Kabbalah!
Why are Kabbalah and Numerology like the TV show ''Word World''?
In the oldest book in the world, the Bible, Genesis 2:19-20 talks about the beginning of Kabbalah, Numerology and gematria. Gematria adds up to 2, numerology adds up to 19, and Kabbalah adds up to 20. Wow!
On the 6th day of the creation, after animals and man were created, it says in Bereishit (Genesis) 2: 19-20, the (Creator) formed out of the earth all the wild beasts... and brought them to the man (Adam) to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each living creature (and place and thing), that would be its name. And the man gave names to all the (animals, places and things) as he saw them. The Kabbalah states that the original aleph-beit and its vibrations were used to create all of the things on earth, and when Adam saw them, he saw in his head the letters for each item, very similar to what you see in the TV show ''Word World''! This original aleph-beit alphabet was Adam's original Adamic language, and it was similar to the old Aramaic and Hebrew aleph-beit we use today!
SINCE 4/3/2001
the oldest live 'numerology-dot' website on the internet- 24 yrs.!
Now Available- You Can Receive A "Kabbalah-Numerology Reading"
Enter your full name at birth and birth date, to reveal and receive an introduction to a Kabbalah-Numerology Reading for your own numerology vibrations, featuring your heart, mind, body and soul, your life path, angels in your life, branches of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, your matching job ideas, colors, styles, foods, oils, crystals, colognes, angels, compatibility (if you have 2 names) and more!
"2020 is a special year, and the thread that links the studies of Kabbalah and Numerology is Gematria-- a spiritual method of interpreting words and names by adding their numerical values, and finding the matching vibrations within.
Send info by e-mail- meadschaz@gmail.com
How can
Kabbalah- Numerology
be a form of Kabbalah?
The thread that links the Kabbalah and Numerology is Gematria, the original method of calculating the letters and numbers in names and words, to discover matching vibrations.
KabbalahNumerology uses logic and the Gematria, with the Hebrew aleph-beit. It is said that the Creator used these original letters to make the world & the universe.
If you add up the letters of "Kabbalah", or the Spanish spelling "Cabala", they both equal the vibration of "spirituality-and-numerology."
If you use the spelling "Kabala", you still get the vibration of "Spiritual-Numerology". Kabbalah is a more spiritual way to use the logical aspects of Numerology.
KabbalahNumerology uses the patterns of all the special numbers and their meanings, as in the field of Basic Kabbalah, which can go into deeper levels with the Zohar.
KabbalahNumerology states that the letters in your full name (2 or 3 names or more), as written on your birth certificate, add up to a number vibration.
If you are given a Hebrew name anytime in life, that name has a special vibration, based on the Gematria. Gematria says that the Hebrew aleph-beit was used (by "H) to create the original words for items in the universe.
The Kabbalah and Numerology should be used to help you NOW, and not to try to predict the future: (the adult cycle can give a general outlook for your next birthday year, not a forecast or prediction).
Kabbalah-Numerology reveals that letters of the aleph-beit (the alphabet) can be translated into numbers, and both the Kabbalah and Numerology assert that words, jobs, ideas (nouns) & personality traits (adjectives) can match the same exact numbers. (This site uses this method.)
Pythagorean theory reveals that shapes of letters and numbers are important.
The I-ching reveals that double-digits have individual meanings, & similar numbers are related (like 34 & 43) (We use these methods.)
Astrology uses the stars and planets and their rotating patterns of display for fortune telling, and Runes and Tarot use cards and symbols and their rotating patterns of display for fortune telling.
We do not approach the field of Mystical Kabbalah.
If you call an animal or food a title or name, can we change the personality of that animal or food with the brand name?
Because both man and woman are involved in the vibrations of the world, the Creator gave man the ability and the job of making words and names for everything (Genesis 2:19; .. & whatever [Adam] called each living creature, that would be his name) 'Adam' is the same number vibration as the word 'numerology'!
But food and animals do not have human personality traits and job ideas, so the name does NOT affect the personality of animals or food, or even things like cars, bikes, or your homes.
But some foods may help your diet, if they have the same vibration as yours.