KabbalahNumerology Blog


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 Who were the founders of the Kabbalah?

Rabbi Abraham Abulafia of Spain is one of the founders of basic Kabbalah. His ideas about the Hebrew language infuenced the beginnings of gematria. These notes about him are borrowed from the Wikipedia entry:

"Letters of the alphabet, numerals, vowel-points, all became symbols of existence to him, and their combinations and permutations, supplementing and explaining one another, possessed for him an illumining power most effectively to be disclosed in a deeper study (of names)... he developed a sophisticated theory of language, which assumes that Hebrew represents not so much the language as written or spoken as the principles of all languages, namely the sounds and the combinations between them. Thus, Hebrew gematria may encompass the other languages."

Rabbi Abulafia also had a special breathing exercise, which is now part of my workshop class that I have begun in Miami Beach. His breathing exercise is very good to prepare for any Kabbalah study, after work, or before physical massage or mild meditation. (Note: the exercises of Basic Kabbalah are not intended to provide a source for very deep or transcendental meditation, which can be hazardous to your mental health.)

Rabbi Isaac Luria of Israel had a more mystical approach to the Kabbalah, after reading the Zohar at age 22, after it was published. His students studied either basic Kabbalah (gematria), or a focus on mystical, meditative or messianic Kabbalah. These notes about him are taken from the Wikipedia entry:

"Luria delivered lectures and did not write much, with a few excep-tions, including some kabbalistic poems in Aramaic. Rabbi Chaim Vital collected the notes... and from these notes were produced numer-ous works, the most important of which was the Etz Chaim ("Tree of Life"). In this work are expounded the theoretical, devotional, and meditative teachings of Luria, based on the Zohar."

These notes are presented to show that basic Kabbalah focuses on the alphabet and vibrations, while the advanced Kabbalah uses the more meditative teachings of the Zohar. The Wikipedia notes are copyright, not to be copied or pasted at all.

What is the History of mystical Kabbalah?

(this is from the series written by Rabbi Shimon Lieberman, from aish.com. We believe the written & oral Torah were given at the same time by the Creator...)

''One reason that mystical

Judaism is called

Kabbalah (meaning

"received") is to

emphasize that one must

have received this

mystical understanding of

the Torah. The elements

of Kabbalah were

revealed by (the Creator)

at the same time as the

rest of the Torah, then

transmitted from one to

another.... When one

gives an interpretation of

any aspect of Torah 

using rational perspective

,...the statement needs to

fit in with the spirit of

Torah, and must make

sense... It ought to have

support from other areas

as well. In basic

Kabbalah, however, one

has limited ability to offer

"new" or "original"

interpretation. We are

dealing with a basic

discipline, in that its

elements were revealed

to man by (the Creator),

the way in which all

Torah was revealed, and

transmitted from person

to person along the way.''

This author believes that

the basic vibrations of

Kabbalah began when the

first man and woman

started to name things,

and the first man and

woman in the world may

have been Adam and Eve.

Others trace the origins

of Kabbalah vibrations

and thoughts of the

Creator to Noah and

Abraham, from the Old

Testament, generations

after the first family was

created. This opinion may

be related to how long it

took for man and woman

to begin writing words

and symbols, the writing

of which was very limited

in the early generations.

Why is Lady Gaga's name so special for the Kabbalah and for Numerology?

Many times people will change their name to be popular or to better their career, and usually it will change to the number that they want to be. But look at Lady Gaga's name reading, and see how amazing numbers can be in English numerology & KabbalahNumerology:

Lady Gaga was born on March 28, 1986. That adds up to 10, the same as the word ''numerology''.

Her name on the birth certificate is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, which adds up to 130. For my double-digits-destiny-numbers, you must go backwards, so you can see her name also equals 31.

Now look at her new name for her singing career, Lady Gaga. IT ADDS UP TO 31!

Her heart number adds up to 56, and 5 + 6 = 11, a double-number!

Her mind number adds up to 74, and 7 + 4 = 11, a double-number!

Her body number adds up to 11 + 11 = 22, also a double-number!

Her soul number adds up to 22 + 22 = 44, also a double-number!

How many times can that happen in a person's name AND NICKNAME?!

That's a special name for a person with many special numbers!

But wait! Who else may have special numbers in their Kabbalah reading??

How about her friend, the great singer Tony Bennett? "Tony" adds up to 11, and so does his birth date, 8/3/1926 (11) wow!

 What is Kabbalah-Numerology today?

If someone asked you, what is the difference between basic Kabbalah and more advanced Kabbalah?, here is a good response:

KabbalahNumerology today uses logic and Gematria. This is a method of revealing values in the letters and numbers of words, things and ideas, which are all within the Torah (the Bible), the World, and the Heavens. Gematria is also used in Basic Kabbalah (biblical theory), one of the 3 fields of Kabbalah in history. The other two are Advanced Kabbalah (spiritual meditation) and Mystical Kabbalah (practical mysticism, which we will not approach). 

What does  Kabbalah-Numerology say about the supermarket today?

The word ''market'' adds up to a good, fun place to buy home & kitchen needs. It equals the word 'foods' in Kabbalah-Numerology. The word 'supermarket' adds up to a happy, friendly place with many choices, from small farms to factories from all around the world. But one cheap ingredient has been the topic of e-mails:

What does Kabbalah-Numerology say about high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar in today's foods?

I use the numbers of natural foods to suggest foods for people, found in the name. Others say to use all tastes (salty, sweet, sour, etc.) and all colors of the rainbow, not just colors in your name.

'Sugar' adds up to 3, a number to make you happy, but sugar is a food you have to be careful with.  'High fructose corn syrup', the cheap ingredient for today's foods, has special meanings when you add up the numbers. The vowels of high-fructose-corn-syrup equal 39, and it makes you feel happy at first.

The consonants add up to 78, which means in your body, it tries to give you a full stomach. But 78 + 39 equals 117, or 9, THE SAME NUMBER AS FAT! That does not mean that everyone who has a 9 in their name is fat. It does means that this ingredient is a 'calorie' problem that has become an epidemic. 'Sweet' and 'Calorie' each equal 9, the same number as F-A-T. So what can you do? The most safe, nice, neat sweetener according to numerology is MOLASSES or HONEY, if you use them 'slightly'. They both add up to 4.


What is the history of the Kabbalah Red String?
The wearing of a red string is a recent tradition, based on an ancient custom. In Bethlehem, where Jacob's wife Rachel is buried, it was a tribute to her own balance of beauty with compassion, which is called "Tiferet", to wrap a red string around Rachel's Tomb. Red strings are now sold at the Western Wall as a souvenir, and to some it may be a "segulah" for good luck. The words "Tiferet", "Rachel", "Chut Adom" (which is "Red String" in Hebrew) and "Evil Eye" all add up to the special number 11. So it is up to you, if you want to wear a red string, if you fell it may protect you from negative energy.
A red string is also in the Bible, the story of Tamar, who gave birth to twins. When one boy stuck out his hand at birth, the midwife tied a red string around his wrist. But then the other baby was born first, and the boy was second. So the string is sometimes called the "Chuit Hasheni" or "2nd Thread". However, there is no other message about this thread by biblical scholars.
Some people think if a woman wears a red string until it falls off, she may meet her fiancée, while others connect the string to fertility. For men, red is a special color in some faiths, but not in the Torah, so again, it's up to you. The string is made from scarlet wool, then knotted 7 times. It can be worn on the left wrist, which is said by some to be the receiving side of spiritual energy, or the same side as the heart.


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